I really enjoyed this article because PostModernism is the world we live in right now. After reading the article it definitely gave me a true understanding for what PostModernism is, because if you're someone living in it, you might not be fully aware that history is being made right now and what exactly that history is. The article says that "in the PostModernism age, it is difficult to get through the day without confronting many different realities". I found this to be completely true because now in today's society everyone's culture and society are mixed together and intertwined that not one society "dominates" over the other. The definition for PostModernism that the author gives us is "mixing of identities, realities, cultures, races, gender roles, technologies, economies, cyberspaces, mediascapes" and the example he uses is if someone were to turn on the TV, they could hear an Irish band playing a song that has a mix of Indian raga, heav...